Petition to the Foreign Secretary

A joint action from Christian CND and the Fellowship of Reconciliation 


Dear Foreign Secretary

Between 1957 and 1958 the UK Government carried out 9 atmospheric nuclear tests over Kiritimati (Christmas Island) and Malden Island – in what is now the sovereign country of Kiribati. While that was 65 years ago, the environmental and health impacts of these tests are still being felt.

The Kiribati Government is currently investigating the historic and current impact of the testing and we ask you to offer UK support to their investigations.

  • We urge you to co-operate fully with any requests by the Kiritimati people to examine archive material (both classified and unclassified) not limited to documents, reports and studies examining the nuclear testing.
  • We also ask you to offer financial assistance to states seeking to address the impact of nuclear testing on their population and environment.

The testing of Britain’s nuclear bombs are a historic fact. With your support we can ensure the full impact of the bomb blasts are understood and to the greatest extent possible, remedied.

Yours Sincerely

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